25. System hangs during booting through windows. The system is getting hanged at any particular moment as soon as the booting process starts, but even before the booting is completed.

·   RAM may be bad, try replacing.

·    The main file of the OS is damaged.

·      The media of a mismatch between RAM and motherboard get the speed of both of them matched.

·   There is a VGA motherboard is mismatched or damaged, try replacing.

·   Some processors cause this problem at their maximum speed test it by setting it to a lower speed. Processor speed can be deduced from the CPU setting of the CMOS or the jumper located on the board.

·  Some P2’s motherboard “win 98 os” doesn’t work, so test by installing “win 97,95” in it.

·  Two devices connected to the motherboard are conflicting, under which IRQ and DMA channel need to be set.

·   If the hard disk is formatted with the disk manager software, it can also cause the system to hang.(format the hard disk partition by FDisk and install windows.)

26. No Booting: received massage “missing operating system”

. The hard disk has not been partitioned.

.  The actual size of the hard disk is not factored in the Bios. The misconfiguration is located in the         CMOS.

. There is no OS installed in the hard disk.

27. Getting a disk I/O error (no booting) message.

.   The system files in the hard disk have been damaged.

.   The hard disk is not configured correctly in the CMOS setup.

·      The hard disk partition table has gone bad.

·        If the OS was installed by connecting that hard disk to another system and now connect that hard disk to another system then this error can still occur. For this, install all the system in OS by connecting the hard disk to the system in which you want to use it.

28.”NO system disk error” insert system disk in drive A than press any key” getting the above massage and the system is not booting.

·         This problem occurs when the system does not find any o/s in the drive. For this test the following steps.

·         Is the disk inserted in the floppy drive correct and bootable?

·         The drive from which the system is to be booted is correctly configured in the correct CMOS?

·         Is the boot sequence correct? If the o/s is in HDD then keep the boot sequence as C,A if A.C. if you have FDD then do not insert any disk otherwise above error massage will be received or system will boot from floppy if the inserted disk is correct and bootable.

·         After partitioning the HDD properly, its primary DOS partition has been activated? And does it have o/s installed?

·         If the system is not getting booted even with floppy. So check whether the drive is trying to read. If not, test the connection of FDD and CMOS setup. If the FDD tries to read, the LED glows and the r/w head moves.

29. The system is hanging after running for a while.

·         Try replacing RAM.

·         RAM is doing mismatch.

·         Try replacing the VGA card.

·         Check the CPU cooler of the processor even if it is not running, the system may hang.

·         The system may also hang due to the sound card. Check by removing the sound card.

·         Check the system with an antivirus software, virus can cause system to hang or slow down.

·         The files of the o/s may be damaged, try reinstalling the o/s.

·         The system may hang if there are too many bad sectors in the hard disk.

·         Processor has become defective.

·         MB may be bad.

·         Two devices can conflict with each other, this will hang the system, check the system by removing their driver software.

·         If a printer is connected to the system and there is some fault in the port/electrics of that printer, then the system may also hang due to that.

·         There is a short circuit in an interface card.

·         Some processors hang at their maximum speed check the system by reducing their speed by jumper setting CMOS setting.

·         If the hard disk is formatted with the disk manager software, it can also cause the system to hang. (Format hard disk partition using FDisk and install windows.) 


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