Booting Problems Of System

19. “HDD Fail”:-

The error is related to the hard disk and its connection. For this test the following connection and settings.

.   Are the hard disk`s power connector       and data cable installed correctly.

. Is hard disk set up correctly in bios?

. If IDE card is used, check the connection of IDE and whether IDE card is defective.

.  If there is a loud or loud sound coming from the HDD, then the HDD is damaged.

20. “Primary master disk fail” or “primary disk slave fail”

      “Secondary master disk fail” or secondary slave disk fail”

. If any one of the above four massage is related to the hard disk connected in the system,       it    means that the hard disk is either not powered ON, not connected properly or the          hard disk    is damaged. The above four massages are received because the hard disk can      be connected    in four ways. Like:

·        Primary master fail: - the primary master disk is the hard disk such that the IDE is connected to the primary IDE as a master. In such a situation, ON receiving the error, we will check the connection, jumper and Bios setting of the primary master disk. Lastly, check the hard disk, if any sound is being received from it intermittently then it means that the hard disk has been crushed.

Similarly, if any of the other three errors are found, we will test the related disk for connection, Bios setting and crush.

.  There can also be another reason for this error to occur like the “primary slave disk” is          getting failed, so maybe we have connected another hard disk in the system as a primary      slave and its configuration has been detected in the Bios. Was given, then it was                    removed  after some time but its setting was not removed from CMOS. Now when the          system is  turned ON, the CMOS searches the hard disk according to the setting of  the        primary slave    disk given in the CMOS, it searches the hard disk and if it is not found,        it shows the  message of primary slave disk failure. For this, we will  remove the hard          disk setting from CMOS which is unwanted.

21. “NO ROM basic system halted” (after this massage the system is hanging.)

The above massage is being received in big letters at the top of the screen. This can be due to the following reasons.

. The cache memory located ON the                      motherboard has gone bad. (in this case,             disable the external cache by going to the             Bios setting)

. Internal cache and external cache have been disable by Bios setting.

. A virus has entered the boot sector of the hard disk.

. To fix this, set load default setup in Bios ad load CMOS setup for default YES.

22. By counting the memory on the screen, all the information and EPA symbol disappear from under it. The system is hanging

. RAM is spoiled.

. The hard disk has a boot sector virus.

. One of the interface cards of the motherboard is damaged.

. Bio setting is wrong.

. Bios are defective.

. Processor overheating checks CPU fan key and jumper settings.

. Try loading the default setup of Bios.

23. NO Booting (display OK, No error massage)

In this type of error, display, memory count, and drive testing, post etc. do the right thing and after that the system hangs as soon as the screen is displayed. And No error massage is received. This could be due to the following reasons.

In the boot sequence, A drive is selected first and the bootable floppy being used in a           drive is not correct. Its system files may be damaged. In this case, try to remove the             disk from the drive and boot the system from another drive or hard disk.

. The CMOS setting in the Bios setting is wrong, so load the default setup and save it.

. RAM maybe defective, try replacing it.

. The motherboard circuit is broken.

24. No booting (system hang during boot process)

In this problem, the system hangs while booting from floppy or hard disk, as soon as the boot process is shorted. The system has DOS, or windows o/s.

Starting MS-DOS or starting MS windows is causing the hang. This could be due to the following reasons. If the system is booting by floppy then:

. Floppy disk is bad.

. The bootable files ON the floppy are damaged or the system has not been able to transfer      them properly.

. The bootable disk has a virus.

. The size of the floppy drive is wrongly selected in CMOS setup. For example, floppy            drive 1.44MB is installed but CMOS 1.2MB is selected.

. If the same problem occurs even after booting from the hard disk then the hard disk has        boot sector virus.

. The bootable file has been damaged.

. Check CMOS setup and try replacing RAM.


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